Corporate Responsibility
Our Commitment
ABx endorses best practices on agricultural land, striving to leave land and environment better than we find it. We only operate where welcomed. Our commitment is to continually strive to reach the highest standards in health and safety, minimize our impact on the environment and work co-operatively with stakeholders. ABx has been successful in building good relationships between landowners, rural communities and government departments. Good relationships with all stakeholders are critical to the success of our Company. Together with stakeholders as our partners, ABx has ensured high standards of health and safety, environmental responsibility and social awareness concerning areas that are being explored and evaluated. Good relationships with all interested parties will build a healthier, safer and more sustainable framework for the Company’s future. To achieve this outcome we will demonstrate:
RESPECT: We will conduct our activities in a way that respects the rights of others.
ENGAGEMENT: We will pursue the support of host communities and governments through timely and open communication.
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: We will focus on environmental best practices as a cornerstone for sustainable development.
HEALTH AND SAFETY: We will promote a work environment where the health and safety of people are our first priority.
Health & Safety
At ABx, we recognise that best practice health and safety begins at the top. All leaders within the organisation, including directors, are responsible for implementing and managing the H&S framework.
All employees must take accountability for H&S. All incidents are investigated and any injuries are recorded.
At this time, ABX does not publicly report or disclose health and safety statistics, but it is planning its inclusion in future annual reports.