CORPORATE POLICY: ABx endorses best practices on agricultural land, strives to leave land and environment better than we find it. We only operate where welcomed.
LEADERSHIP: The Sustainability Framework has the requirements of ISO 14001. In this regard the vision is announced to all employees. The H&S and Sustainability Committee meet regularly to discuss performance issues and make any changes required for ISO 14001 status.
GOVERNANCE: The H&S and Sustainability Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of policies and best practices.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: This begins with the start of exploration and highlighted by negotiated access and compensation agreements prior to starting exploration. Regular presentations are made to stakeholders to keep all parties up to-date on the Company’s activities and address landowner, community and government concerns.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: All sites have Emergency Response Plans. These are reviewed against perceived risks to ensure that all sites are properly prepared for an emergency.
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: Adopting strong environmental management is a key element of our Sustainability Framework. Exploration and mining operations may have a temporary and long-term impacts on the environment. The potential impacts are assessed and plans are made to avoid, control, or prevent harm to the environment.
We provide training in environmental responsibility to ensure that all employees are aware of ISO 4001. As required, our staff attend external presentations to keep up to-date on government regulations and changes in attitude and expectations held by stakeholders.